I have JSON result that contains multiple roots. Most example JSONReader source codes are dealing with one root. According to cnelissen from Sencha Forum, using below code will make it working: var store1 = new Ext.data.Store({ url: ‘/path/to/json-data.php’, method: ‘POST’, autoLoad: true, reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({ root: ‘root1’, fields: [‘field1’, ‘field2’, ‘field3’] }), listeners: { ‘load’:…
Category: Sencha Touch
Sencha Touch Ext.Router.draw refresh issue
Sencha Touch 1.1.1 In my ‘route.js’ for Ext.Router.draw, I have custom route “map.connect” like: Ext.Router.draw(function(map) { map.connect(‘s/:specialName’, { controller: ‘Special’, action: ‘index’ }); map.connect(‘:controller/:action’); }); The URL I used is like this “http://localhost/m/#s/am-i-right-3023”, which contains dash(-) in the URL. If I refresh the browser with the URL, application is not reloading the page properly….
Sencha Touch Related Links
Loading Sencha Touch controllers and views dynamically http://www.onlinesolutionsdevelopment.com/blog/web-development/javascript/loading-sencha-touch-controllers-and-view-files-dynamically/ Dynamic Sencha Touch Forms – Part 1 – Enabling/Disabling Fields based on form selections http://www.swarmonline.com/2011/01/dynamic-sencha-touch-forms-part-1-enablingdisabling-fields-based-on-form-selections/ Mobile Chat with Sencha Touch + node.js + socket.io https://github.com/mrsunshine/Mobile-Chat-with-Sencha-Touch—node.js—socket.io- One of sample code – worth to refer http://pastebin.com/uF50X67Y DOWNLOAD: sencha_sample Sencha Touch 1.x: Examples and Showcases…
Only show Paging Toolbar when appropriate
One of Sencha User, Joel, pointed out one of problems in Sencha Touch ListPagingPlugin that display ‘Load more…’ message even if a result gave less rows than paging size. Below code he suggested will fix the problem: Ext.override(Ext.plugins.ListPagingPlugin, { onListUpdate : function() { if (this.list.store && this.list.store.data.length < (this.list.store.currentPage * this.list.store.pageSize)) { if (!this.rendered) {…