I upgraded the GitLab Helm chart version, and the GitLab Runner started throwing the following errors. Error messages: After investigating, I found a few key issues: Here’s how I fixed it for now (maybe there are better ways) – https://github.com/chrisleekr/homelab-infrastructure/pull/14 References:
Author: Chris Lee
Run docker-dind and docker in Kubernetes cluster
To test docker in Kubernetes for some reason.
Next.js Tutorial – Setting up your database in your local development environment
While I was following with Next.js tutorial and reached this step to set up the database – https://nextjs.org/learn/dashboard-app/setting-up-your-database I didn’t want to create a repository to deploy into Vercel; hence, I decided to run Postgres in my local development environment. However, it was not that easy to set it up. The errors I got were…
helm list error stream ID 3; INTERNAL_ERROR
Error message Solutions Delete old sh.helm.release.v1.helm-name… Reference: https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/7997#issuecomment-742598548
Bootstrapping Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm
Specification Update system on all nodes Install Containerd on all nodes Change SystemdCgroup to true Install runc on all nodes Install CNI(Container Network Interface) plugin on all nodes Disable apparmor on all nodes Install Nerdctl to all nodes Install Crictl to all nodes Install kubeadm/kubelet to all nodes Install kubectl to all nodes Configure a…
Taint all resources in the one module
Alpine – Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded
When using mysql client to login MySQL, it throws the following error: If it’s alpine linux, then simply install mariadb-connector-c
npm link with peerDependencies
Project “sub-library” – package to be linked: Project “main-project” – package to use package 1 First, run the following command in the sub-library Second, run the following command in the main-project Then, run the following command in the sub-library Now, the peer dependency moment will be available in the sub-library package. References:
How to setup Gitlab runner with KVM enabled
To implement the CI pipeline for the Android project, I need to run Gitlab CI, in which KVM is enabled. TL; TR Enable VTx virtualization technology in your server BIOS Pass /dev/kvm to Gitlab runner Sample .gitlab-ci.yml However, the pipeline was failing with the following error. Enable VTx virtualization technology First, I had to configure…
Failed to transform bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar
Error: Reference: https://github.com/robolectric/robolectric/issues/6521#issuecomment-851736355 Solution: Open android/build.gradle Update gradle version from 4.2.2 to 7.1.3 From: classpath(“com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.2.2”) To: classpath(“com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.1.3”) Open Android Studio for the project and wait for syncing gradle Build again
React Native Boilerplate
A React Native boilerplate using React Native, React Navigation, React Redux Toolkit, React Native Bootsplash, React Native Onboarding Swiper, Redux Persist, Formik, Yup, Lottie, Axios This is a React Native boilerplate project. The project is using Node.js REST API that I developed as the boilerplate. You can find the Node.js REST API boilerplate project in here….
BUG! exception in phase ‘semantic analysis’ in source unit ‘_BuildScript_’ Unsupported class file major version 61
Issue: In Arch Linux, when try to execute npm run android, it throws the following error. Solution: Do not use Java 17 Open JDK as it’s not compatible at time of writing. Check Gradle version Check Java compatibility against Gradle version – https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/compatibility.html Since OpenJDK 16 does not exist in AUR – https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/java#OpenJDK, install OpenJDK…
Change Java OpenJDK version in Arch Linux
Issue: When execute npm run android for React Native, the build error occurred as below: Solution: It’s because currently Java version is lower than 11. Assuming already has another Java JDK, simply change Java for Arch Linux. Reference: https://edgardorl.com/blog/configure-java-in-arch-linux-to-run-a-react-native-application/
MongoDB exception in initAndListen: old lock file, terminating
Reference: https://github.com/docker-library/mongo/issues/62#issuecomment-568308941 Error Message: Fix for docker-compose.yml:
Disable Swap in Raspberry Pi
바이낸스 자동 매매 트레이딩 봇
추적 매수/매도 기법(Trailing buy/sell strategy)을 이용한 자동화된 바이낸스 자동매매 프로그램 소스 코드: https://github.com/chrisleekr/binance-trading-bot 최신 업데이트 정보는 README.md에 서 확인 가능합니다. 이 페이지는 한국어로 프로그램에 대한 설명만 적혀있습니다. 경고 이 프로그램을 이용하여 돈을 벌 수 있을지 없을지는 절대 보장하지 않습니다. 리스크를 감당하실 수 있을 경우에만 사용하세요! 이 코드를 이용하여 직/간접적으로 생긴 손실이나 경제적인 어려움이 생길 경우 절대 책임지지…
React.js – TypeError: Cannot read property ‘setState’ of undefined
Problem code Error Solution https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32317154/react-uncaught-typeerror-cannot-read-property-setstate-of-undefined https://reactjs.org/docs/handling-events.html With ES5 With ES6
Convert gnome-boxes virtual machine image to Oracle Virtual Box image
First convert gnome-boxes image to Virtual Box image Open Virtual Box Click Add button and follow below steps
Clear Kubernetes current context
실시간 환율 받아오기 (Get real-time currency information)
Code snippet to retrieve real-time currency from exchangeratesapi.io
Binance Auto Trading Bot – Buy low/Sell high with stop loss limit/Trade multiple coins
Automated Binance trading bot with trailing buy/sell strategy Github: https://github.com/chrisleekr/binance-trading-bot Warnings I cannot guarantee whether you can make money or not. So use it at your own risk! I have no responsibility for any loss or hardship incurred directly or indirectly by using this code. Read disclaimer before using this code. Before updating the bot, make sure…
Gitlab troubleshooting
Environment: Gitlab is running under docker Error with ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError (unknown attribute ‘author_name’ for SecurityEvent.):
Image Optimisation Service
Github: https://github.com/chrisleekr/image-optimisation This is a practice project. The project contains Node.js API that optimise images – jpg, png, svg, and gif. Node.js, Express, Webpack, Imagemin Demo Post local image to optimise $ curl -v -X POST -F “image=@sample1.jpg” https://image-optimisation.chrislee.kr/image -o sample1-output.jpg Pass remote image URL to optimise $ curl -v -X POST “url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chrisleekr/image-optimisation/master/examples/sample1.jpg” https://image-optimisation.chrislee.kr/image -o…
애자일 스프린트 회고 도구(Agile Sprint Retrospective Tool)
스프린트(Sprint)를 운영하면 2주에 한번 아니면 한달에 한번씩 정기적인 “회고(Retrospective)”를 해야한다. 모든 팀원이 솔직하게 익명으로 자신의 의견을 개진해야하고, 그 의견들을 다같이 토론하여 프로젝트 운영에 반영해야 팀의 만족도와 프로젝트 진행율이 개선된다. 이러한 회고를 통해 팀원들이 같은 실수를 하는 것을 방지할 수 도 있다. 회고를 할때 중요한 점은 어떤 의견이든지 절대 나무라거나 쓸데 없는 의견이라고 치부하지 말아야 한다….
Node.js + MongoDB RESTful API Boilerplate
Github: https://github.com/chrisleekr/nodejs-mongodb-api-boilerplate This is a sample project that I followed the tutorial Build Node.js RESTful APIs in 10 Minutes written by Olatunde Garuba. How to start $ docker-compose up -d $ docker logs -f api This command will build Node.js API and launch docker container mongo and mongo-express Endpoints Node.js API Method URL Sample Data GET http://localhost:3000/tasks POST http://localhost:3000/tasks {“name”:”Fix…